Thursday, September 3, 2020

My Challenge free essay sample

â€Å"Okay nectar, you can open your eyes now.† The drawling voice of the gum-biting stylist yanked me back to the real world. In any case, I wound up screwing my eyes firmly shut, for I was anxious about the possibility that that initial them would uncover the precious stone like tears I had endeavored to keep down. This was no normal hair style. The motivation behind why tufts of my plush pure black hair were dissipated everywhere throughout the cleaned tiles was a lot further than that. Everything began a fine frigid day in the core of Cambridge, England. My mom had returned home from work one day with this season's cold virus. What had begun as an inconsequential affliction out of nowhere transformed into something significantly more impressive. Since we had recognized no indication of the disease improving following a few difficult days, we hurried her to the emergency clinic and restlessly hung tight for a sign. After what appeared to be an unending length of time, a specialist came out with a blended articulation that read somewhere close to I am so heartbroken and Oh, for what reason do I need to be the person who conveys the terrible news, and educated us that my mom had been determined to have Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. We will compose a custom paper test on My Challenge or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This disclosure implied that my mom would need to remain laid up starting now and into the foreseeable future, since even the smallest of physical effort would leave her bleary eyed and exhausted. We rode home peacefully, and at the same time I was thinking, Why us? What did we ever do to merit this? In any case, no answer came. I had consistently accepted my life was great, that nothing awful would ever happen to my family. Yet, presently, I understood that anything can occur, and that could be flipped around whenever. I could no longer depend on my mom for the everyday assignments that I had recently underestimated. Be that as it may, I attempted my best to adjust to my family’s new way of life. I woke up in the first part of the day, a little multi year old, and warmed the pot to make tea for Mom. As the air pockets foamed and frothed to the surface, I cleaned up the rooms, fixing sheets and cushioning pads. As I walked up the steps with the singing cup of tea wobbling in my precarious hands, my mother’s mouth broke in a grin without precedent for days. At that point, I realized that, together, we could defeat this difficulty. I chose to make a move. Brushing and twisting my hair, a raven wave of fluid silk falling down my back, was an undertaking excessively challenging for my mother to perform. So I chose to settle on a basic choice; I would slash off my midnight tresses to facilitate her weight somewhat more. As I was helped to remember the explanation for my hair style, I gradually picked up the solidarity to peer through my established eyelids. What I found in the mirror astounded me: a little youngster with lovely medium length locks gazing resistant back at me with eyes that flashed with boldness.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Kids Need Gym Class

The advantages of physical movement on a child’s wellbeing are very much archived. As per a few examinations, kids occupied with physical instruction show predominant engine wellness, scholarly execution, and demeanor toward school when contrasted with the individuals who don't take an interest in day by day physical training. Kids who are dynamic and truly fit have less cardiovascular hazard factors than less dynamic youngsters, they experience lower paces of coronary illness, lower pulse, and lower muscle to fat ratio. Dynamic young people likewise will in general feel less desolate, modest, and miserable than do their truly idle friends (Acalogic). What's more, one investigation which utilized physical action as treatment for hyperactive conduct indicated that an expansion in practice was an effective methods for diminishing paces of animosity and hyperactivity: â€Å"It is all around recorded in both Exercise and Physiology writing that substance changes happen in the mind after it is presented to exercise†¦a ordinary oxygen consuming intervention at 75% of greatest breath would to be sure be an expansion over the child’s every day action plan. This change in physiological movement has the potential to change day by day conduct. In the event that youngsters, who are showing the early symptoms of carelessness and hyperactivity can be presented to a high occurrence of frequent heart stimulating exercise all the time, at that point the effects of muscle depletion and increased body science changes may join to check undesirable troublesome behavior† (Acalogic). Regardless of all the positive outcomes practice gives, numerous schools, because of spending issues, are curtailing physical educationmuch to the burden of our youngsters. More youngsters are overweight or fat than any time in recent memory. The term â€Å"overweight† alludes to a youngster that gauges more than is suggested for a given tallness; and when this overabundance weight is as fat, medical issues may create. â€Å"Obesity† is an abundance of muscle versus fat. Youngsters are consid... Free Essays on Kids Need Gym Class Free Essays on Kids Need Gym Class The advantages of physical action on a child’s wellbeing are all around recorded. As per a few investigations, kids occupied with physical training show predominant engine wellness, scholarly execution, and disposition toward school when contrasted with the individuals who don't take an interest in day by day physical instruction. Youngsters who are dynamic and truly fit have less cardiovascular hazard factors than less dynamic kids, they experience lower paces of coronary illness, lower pulse, and lower muscle versus fat. Dynamic teenagers additionally will in general feel less desolate, bashful, and miserable than do their truly inert companions (Acalogic). Likewise, one examination which utilized physical movement as treatment for hyperactive conduct demonstrated that an expansion in practice was an effective methods for lessening paces of animosity and hyperactivity: â€Å"It is all around archived in both Exercise and Physiology writing that substance changes happen in the cerebrum after it is presented to exercise†¦a customary oxygen consuming intervention at 75% of most extreme breath would without a doubt be an expansion over the child’s day by day movement plan. This change in physiological movement has the potential to change day by day conduct. In the event that youngsters, who are displaying the early symptoms of absentmindedness and hyperactivity can be presented to a high occurrence of frequent vigorous exercise all the time, at that point the effects of muscle fatigue and increased body science changes may consolidate to control undesirable problematic behavior† (Acalogic). Despite all the positive outcomes practice gives, numerous schools, because of spending issues, are curtailing physical educationmuch to the weakness of our youngsters. More youngsters are overweight or large than any other time in recent memory. The term â€Å"overweight† alludes to a youngster that gauges more than is suggested for a given tallness; and when this overabundance weight is as fat, medical issues may create. â€Å"Obesity† is an abundance of muscle versus fat. Kids are consid...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Value. Bankruptcy. Investment Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Worth. Chapter 11. Venture Price - Essay Example Then again, the US framework should be more account holder well disposed, where the courts assume a critical job in the rebuilding of the upset organization (Bourguignon and Pleskovic, 2007). In the US, liquidation is overseen under the Bankruptcy Code, shaped by the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978. Under this Act, an organization could be rebuilt and rearranged or, in all likelihood exchanged. A monetarily upset organization can get security from the loan bosses under the Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The organization would then be able to endeavor to transcend its money related hardships and furthermore sort out the installments to its different lenders. Then again, if the organization documents under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, the benefits of the organization are sold and the returns are dispensed to the leasers. The significant exchange off in the chapter 11 act is between giving insurance to a bothered organization and guaranteeing bondholders with sufficient security to broaden credit. Giving assurance to the monetarily upset organization from its loan bosses and helping them to begin anew is a significant driver of private ventures. Numerous business visionaries would not take up the danger of shaping a business in the event that they had a chance of confronting unlimited risk. In any case, the halfway obligation undoings and bailouts of the bankrupt organizations hurt the enthusiasm of the bondholders since they get just a small amount of the worth really owed. Numerous multiple times, the liquidation of the company’s resources additionally doesn't assist the loan bosses with acquiring the aggregate sum they owed to the organization. This thusly makes the loan bosses more hazard unwilling and the rebuilt organization thinks that its hard to find venture post its insolvency. Subsequently, paying little heed to liquidation, compromise of obligation cases or Chapter 11, the banks don't get back what they initially owed to the organization (Damodaran, 2005). Answer 2 An organization is supposed to be bankrupt when it isn't equipped for satisfying its legally binding liabilities. The benefits of such an organization are for the most part exchanged and the profit from the liquidation procedure are used to meet the past due cases. The cost associated with the way toward failing is dark and henceforth hard to evaluate. The lawful uses included are known as the immediate expense of chapter 11. These expenses happen as money surges right now of liquidation of the organization. In this way, the immediate expenses of liquidation comprise of lawful just as regulatory uses and furthermore the premium installments for the installment of the late incomes. In any case, the significant piece of the insolvency cost happens before the company’s chapter 11 presentation. The immediate expenses of chapter 11 of huge organizations are significantly little considered to their roundabout expenses of liquidation. At the point when th e providers, the purchasers, the shoppers and furthermore the

Monday, June 8, 2020

Analysis Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century - 1375 Words

Analysis Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century (Term Paper Sample) Content: ANALYSIS PIKETTYS CAPITAL IN THE 21ST CENTURYNameCourseDate Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854565" Analysis Pikettys Capital in the 21st Century  PAGEREF _Toc392854565 \h i HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854566" Analysis Pikettys Capital in the 21st Century  PAGEREF _Toc392854566 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854567" Assumptions used by Piketty  PAGEREF _Toc392854567 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854568" Explicit assumptions  PAGEREF _Toc392854568 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854569" Implicit assumptions  PAGEREF _Toc392854569 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854570" Pikettys economic approach  PAGEREF _Toc392854570 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854571" Theoretical framework  PAGEREF _Toc392854571 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854572" Methodological assessment  PAGEREF _Toc392854572 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc392854573" Bibliography  PAGEREF _Toc392854573 \h 6 Analysis Pikettys Capital in the 21st Century The ma in topic in the book Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty is income and wealth inequality in the United States and Europe. The book mainly focuses on the fundamental weaknesses in a capital-based system that has potential terrifying consequences for income and wealth distribution across the globe. Piketty addresses the issue of the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor in the present century. He notes that economies are growing slower than returns to capital making the rich become wealthier while the rest of the population struggles. Piketty also notes that this equality could soon become unsustainable both economically and politically if action is not taken. The principal metaphysical concept addressed by Piketty is Capital. He focuses on the flaws of imposing tax on capital as used in the current economic system. Although there are numerous definitions of capital, he uses an open definition so as to refer to it as wealth. According to his definition, pr operties, stocks and cash assets owned by people constitute capital. Though Piketty has a different view the capital-based economic system from Karl Marxs, he confirms that Marx correctly worried about it. This concept is value-laden due to prediction he makes. He foresees that focusing on capital alone in Europe and the US could eventually lead to a state where the economy is controlled by those born in rich families. The book notes that under the current dispensation, inherited wealth (capital) grows faster than earned wealth. Piketty uses empirical evidence to describe his views on capitalism. He gathers data from thirty countries regarding the evolution of capitalism for the last three-hundred years in these countries. He therefore focuses on analyzing the evolution of capitalism as his main research strategy to describe his views on inequality. According to Piketty, the evolution of inequality is not a natural process hence the growing inequality can be controlled. Therefo re, the central question addressed by Piketty is the practicability of basing the economy on capital and avoid a situation where a minority few controls majority of the population. In his assertion, reverting back to the Downton Abbey, a system used a century ago could be the only feasible solution. Assumptions Used By PikettyExplicit Assumptions The major explicit assumption in the book is the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Piketty describes how the current economic system results to inequalities concerning distribution of wealth and income thus widening the gap with time. He describes how returns on capital exceed the rate of economic growth worsening the situation. It is also important to note that monopolist do not artificially inflate these returns since it is the natural functioning of efficient markets. Therefore, extraordinary measures would be required so as to reverse this system. The second assumption by Piketty is that growing inequality could be unsustain able for the economy. With the minority controlling majority of the wealth, the capitalist system could become obsolete in future. Piketty notes that growing inequality in Europe was only cut short by the two world wars. However, there was little destruction in the United Kingdom during these wars hence the gap in Britain in wider than the rest of Western Europe. Before the wars, European economy functioned through dominance by a few who inherited family. The war broke this tyranny resulting to a relatively fresh start. He predicts that Canada and the United States could suffer a similar predicament where the minority with inherited capital controls the economy. The third assumption is that the best solution to this is a coordinated effort to tax wealth. Piketty notes that taxing capital results in unequal rates of taxation for different individuals since only income is taxed. In essence, taxing income results to the rich paying a negligible percentage of their wealth as tax whil e the poor pay most of theirs. Taxing wealth would therefore every person to pay at the same rate hence to rich would contribute more. This would enable everybody to gain wealth at the same rate. Implicit Assumptions Piketty uses various implicit assumptions to describe the disadvantages of capital in the present century and the possible solutions. First, Piketty describes how a tyranny of a few wealthy individuals dominated Europe in the early nineteenth century. He goes further to predict that a similar predicament awaits the US and Canada. The implicit assumption here according to Piketty is that the future will look like the past. Piketty explains that then current system only benefits the wealthy minority rather than the whole population. Secondly, Piketty says that inherited wealth grows faster than earned wealth. Here, he assumes that most of the rich people in the world got their wealth through inheritance. However, other commentators are against this theory since the pres ent day super-rich got their wealth from personal hard work. Another implicit assumption in this theory is that the wealthy families today will dominate the world politically and economically in future. This assumption is flawed in the sense that political influence and economic power is difficult to predict due to issues like revolutions and depressions.Pikettys Economic Approach Piketty uses a normative approach in presenting his ideas. Normative economics encompasses subjectivity as part of its analysis. In his analysis, Piketty states that it is easier to get wealthier with inherited wealth than earned wealth. This is subjective because of the current levels of innovation and entrepreneurship result in wealth through hard work. Moreover, he is subjective in noting that the wealth minority will dominate the majority both politically and economically. Normative economics also depends heavily on theoretical scenarios and value judgments. It seeks economic fairness and what public p olicies and economic ideologies ought to be. In his book, Piketty focuses on the failure of capitalism therefore describing how the system should function. He also proposes a wealth taxation policy which would be fair in ensuring that the poor to get over exploited. In essence, Piketty focuses on how the system should function rather than how it actually functions. This approach constitutes a normative approach. Theoretical Framework Capital in the Twenty-First Century is linked to two main ideologies which from its theoretical framework. First is the sustainability of capitalism. According to this book, capital would be unsustainable in future since a minority would own it due to the widening wealth gap. This concept is similar to Karl Marx ideas regarding capitalism. Marx questioned fundamentals in capitalism since the minority controlled the majority. From the book, Piketty has a different definition of capital, but like Marx, he predicts an unsustainable future for this concept . His wealth taxat...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Is Heavy Water Radioactive

Heavy water contains deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen with a proton and a neutron for each deuterium atom. Is this a radioactive isotope? Is heavy water radioactive? Heavy water is much like ordinary water. In fact, one in twenty-million water molecules is a heavy water molecule. Heavy water is made from oxygen bonded to one or more deuterium atoms. If both hydrogen atoms are deuterium then the formula for heavy water is D2O. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen which has one proton and one neutron. The most common isotope of hydrogen, protium, consists of a lone proton. Deuterium is a stable isotope, so it is not radioactive. Similarly, deuterated or heavy water is not radioactive.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Abortion Women Should have a Choice - 1304 Words

The issue of abortion is a controversial one; there are arguments on both sides of the debate. In 1973 the national case of Roe v. Wade, sparked political decisions that created a national right to abortion. Further, Roe v. Wade declared that unborn children are not `persons nor are they entitled to the same constitutional protection as `born children (Baird, Rosenbaum, 2001). However, Roe v. Wade did not end the debate, nor, did it stop both sides for continuing the fight for their individual beliefs. On the one hand, pro-choicers believe that woman are entitled to have abortions. Stating that an unborn child is under the rights of the pregnant women. On the other hand, pro-lifers believe that a woman should not have the right to†¦show more content†¦Going further pro-choice advocates question what will become of these unwanted children, while also noting that these unwanted children will inevitably cause overpopulation, a series of abused unhappy children, and an increase in poverty. Further, pro-choice advocates state, an unborn child is not a full human and is simply a collection of undeveloped tissues. The notion of unborn children being simply a collection of undeveloped tissues is of great importance, as it is the foreground for much of the debate surrounding abortion. Form the pro-choice side one may conclude, An embryo is a potential human being. It can be, granted the womans choice, and develop into an infant. But what it actually is during the first trimester is a mass of relatively undifferentiated cells that exist as a part of a womans body. If we consider what it is rather than what it might become, we must know that the embryo under three months is something far more primitive than a frog or a fish. To compare it to an infant is ludicrous (Peikoff, 2003). Another major point coming for the pro-choice advocates is what would be the solution for women who have been raped, are carrying baby that are the products of incest, or have disabling diseases. Further, if abortion were found to be illegal then women would revert back to illegal abortions preformed by doctors with questionable ethics.Show MoreRelatedShould Abortion Be A Pro Choice?954 Words   |  4 PagesPro-choice believers support the idea that women have the choice to do what they want with their bodies. In the article, â€Å"Yes, I’m Pro-Abortion,† Lauren Rankin asserts that being Pro-Choice means accepting abortion as one of the choices women have the right to make. Rankin says that abortion is not available for all women, especially a woman of color and low-income woman. The author also mentions that it sidelines abortion and delegitimizes the valid choice. I agree that if one chooses to be Pro-ChoiceRead MoreShould Abortions Be Legal?939 Words   |  4 Pag esShould abortions be legal? Abortions have been a big issue since the Roe v Wade case. There have been a lot of disagreements between the Pro-life supporters and the pro-choice supporters. Pro-life supporters feel like abortions deter murder, while pro-choice supporters believe that the women should be able to make their own decisions. I am a part of the pro-life supporters because I feel like abortions are wrong for several of reasons. Why should women get an abortion if there are other choices forRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1052 Words   |  5 PagesAbortion is a personal matter and is a very sacred and sensitive topic. The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy is what we know of as an abortion. Although abortion is considered to be immorally wrong to some people, it should be a fundamental right for women to control their own bodies. Abortions are one of the many things that everyone has an opinion on. It is one of the most controversial topics anyone will not agree upon. When abortion is discussed, people tend to assume one of two positions:Read MoreAbortion Is The Right Choice1319 Words   |  6 Pages ABORTION RHETORICAL ANALYSIS ABSTRACT Abortion is one of the most controversial issue worldwide. According to anti-abortionist people, there are people who tend to make â€Å"bad choices† look good when trying to decide what would be the best decision to an unwanted pregnancy. Both the Pro-Abortion and Pro-Life are being discussed from two different perspectives towards abortion. Anti-Abortionist people disagree with abortion due to their own beliefs. On the other hand, people believe womenRead MorePro Choice Vs. Abortion1426 Words   |  6 Pages Pro-Choice is an opposing position against the pro-life that completely and clearly advocates that every women in the world has equal rights of having abortion and there will no legal or religious restriction against electing an abortion in routine life. Many of social religious, civil and national federations raised a slogan against abortion and in the support of this opposition all of these communities and people also run Pro-life movement, United States. This moveme nt opposes Pro-choice and manyRead MoreAbortion : An Illegal Act Of Killing A Fetus943 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion is one of many key issues that women are faced with in today’s world, to not have a child or conceiving a child through conception. What is abortion these days? To many, abortion is considered an illegal act of killing a fetus, while others believe abortion to be legal by law and punishable for it. It is unclear if the law will make its ruling to put a ban on abortion but it has come with its shared controversy. The first reason why abortion should be legal is the involvement due to churchesRead MoreAbortion Is A Way For Women1726 Words   |  7 PagesKellsey Lodahl Abortion is Ethical Abortion is a way for women, or couples, to make the best decision they can for themselves and the unborn child if they are not ready to bring a child into the world. Allowing termination as a legal and ethical option lets women know they still have a choice when their world is turned upside down. The choice to abort a pregnancy allows women to remain in control of their bodies and makes women one step closer to becoming equal to men. I argue that it is ethicallyRead MoreAbortion : A Woman s Choice1572 Words   |  7 PagesCelina Valvano Mr. Cukierski CPW 4U 12 November 2014 Abortion: A Woman’s Choice Abortion is an ongoing issue that many woman face today in society. Statistics show that one out of ten women aged from fifteen to nineteen gets pregnant each year and five out of six of these pregnancies are unintended (Lunneborg 1992). There is a constant struggle between whether to keep the child or to abort it. Some people believe that abortion is their only choice or their only way out of a difficult and challengingRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion Essay1567 Words   |  7 Pages The issue of abortion is a controversial one; there are arguments on both sides of the debate. In 1973 the national case of Roe v. Wade, sparked political decisions that created a national right to abortion. Further, Roe v. Wade declared that unborn children are not `persons nor are they entitled to the same constitutional protection as `born children (Baird, Rosenbaum, 2001). However, Roe v. Wade did not end the debate, nor, did it stop both sides for continuing the fight for their individualRead MorePro Life And Pro Choice Debates875 Words   |  4 Pagesand Pro-choice debates have become very controversial over the years. The Pro-Life stance fights for equal rights for the fetus, while the Pro-Choice stance fights for equal rights for the women. Currently abortions are legal in the United States up to the second trimester. The purpose of this power point will be to explore the ethical and legal viewpoints of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice stances. Individuals who are Pro-Choice believe that an abortion is a given right and a given choice, which should

Marketing Fundamentals PLX Devices

Question: Discuss about theMarketing Fundamentals for PLX Devices. Answer: Introduction The launch of Legion Solar System by PLX Devices The PLX Devices will be launched in the end of the October, probably on 24th October 2016. The time chosen for the launch of this new solar system device is appropriate since it coincide with the sunny days predicted by the Australian meteorology department. Before onset of winter and after the probably cloudy days the end of October would be best for the launch of new Legion Solar System by PLX Devices. The Three Prime Marketing Objectives After the launch of the product the next six months of the PLX Devices is aimed to achieve the following objectives: First Objective: Making extensive use of digital marketing: PLX would use the existing platforms for digital marketing for promoting its latest solar system. The emphasis would be given on the high efficiency of this new product as compared to the older ones. The official launch could be broadcasted in companys Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. The company would make use of its Online Partnerships and Email Marketing approaches to create awareness about this new product. This objective is to complete this task by the end of December 2016. Second Objective: Establish relationships with the industry specialists and key suppliers: the PLX enjoys a good market name for its technical support devices. It is a market leader in automotive tech design, diagnostics and services. PLX device would thus use its market reputation to promote the new product, highlighting its salient features and point of differentiations (PLX Devices, 2015). The objective is to establish a strong buyer base, supplier chain and common awareness about the utility of the Legion Solar System by January 2017 end. Third Objective: Securing sale for the Legion Solar System: after successful awareness creation, promotion and relationship establishment, the PLX Devise aims to make sale of the new product in full swing. By the end of six months from the product launch, the company aims to make good sale of the new product at retailers as well as in the established companies using solar energy for their operations. It is expected that the sales (by volume) should increase by 10% on quarterly basis. Market Segmentation, Targeting Consumers and Envisioned Market Positioning PLX Devices use a highly customer oriented marketing strategy by initiating the segment identification for its new product. The defining of homogenous groups would help the company to better target its potential customers. By segmentation company can take care of specific needs of the customers and come up with suitable product variants, prices and offers accordingly (Blythe and Megicks, 2010). PLX Devices will focus on the following two segments of customers for its new Legion Solar System: Average middle-income group families, for whom saving on electricity bills are a crucial thing. Industries using solar system and could utilize the economies of scale by switching to Legion Solar Systems. Company can identify these segments and then effectively target them with the appropriate offers and schemes. For the middle-income group families, the important aspects are the cost of the solar system, ease of deploying, and the savings on the electricity bill. These factors could be emphasized by the marketing approaches adopted by the company. Advertisements in local newspapers, television channels and personalized meeting with the community halls with the local people can be of benefit for making the product popular among the targeted customers. Likewise, the high energy consuming industries such as manufacturing units could be targeted by the company with the plan to save their operational costs as well as to present them as a socially responsible entity using solar energy. The large companies could make use of highly effective Legion Solar panels and reduce the energy consumption costs and eventual increase in the company profits. The available solar panels and devices in the industry costs more than $ 20,000, which is highly unrealistic for middle-income group people. Thus the company can easily position its new affordable, flexible and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) starter kit with costs starting at only $599 ($499 Preorder) (Legion Solar Starter Kit, 2015). Product Pricing Strategy The industry of solar panels and solutions has range of products with the target of capitalizing from the high energy using companies like manufacturing units, etc. Therefore, solar panels and devices in the industry costs more than $ 20,000, which is highly unrealistic for middle income group people. The new Legion Solar System by PLX Devices is thus an affordable and flexible option. It comes as a Do-It-Youself (DIY) starter kit with the costs starting at only $599 ($499 Preorder). The Core Product the core product is the solar panel that comes in a small size and is easily deployable by following the manuals provided. The Actual Product - The starter kit comes with 2 (100 Watt) solar panels, 1 (160 Watt) inverter, inverter mounting screws, 1 t-harness, 1 plug-in harness, 8 z-brackets, mounting screws, nuts, and washers. The Augmented Product the starter kit is accompanied by a solar hub or mobile we based application for smartphone monitoring The pricing strategy for the product is based in giving the customers adequate savings on their present electricity bills. The price of the product is less than the industry average. The normal solar panel systems could cost above $4/W. this means that a 5 kW system would come to cost above $20,000. While the Legion Solar the cost is less than $3/W. The company also claims that the initial cost invested by the consumers can be recovered by them in less than three years of savings. Product Pricing Strategy The product placement is a strategic aspect of the entire marketing exercise. For the new Legion Solar System, the best possible market is the average middle-income group family. These are the people who look forward to savings in their utility bills; also the second potential market is the big industries where the energy consumption is huge. These companies can make use of solar panels to save operational cost. The company is based in San Jose, CA and the local areas around it is the first potential market placement arena. The promotion could be done by the PLX Devices by advertisements in local newspapers, television channels and personalized meeting with the community halls with the local people can be of benefit for making the product popular among the targeted customers. For the targeted industries the company can make use of upcoming trade fairs in the area and putting up an interesting stall in trade fairs is sure to attract the attention of companies seeking new advanced technical systems to save their operational costs and increase profits. The digital marketing and relationship marketing approaches could be used by the company to establish its new product (Hollensen, 2010). The company has its presence on the social media; the same can be used by it to promote the Legion Solar System. Action Program Since the official announcements of the Legion Solar System the PLX Devices is working tirelessly to ship its products as soon as possible. The company is all set to roll out the Legion Solar system in two stages: The first stage is the shipping of the panels, micro inverter, and rest of the required wiring. This would suffice for consumers to begin with their experiments with the solar energy and to start making their own electricity. The second stage comprise of the shipment of the Solar Hub and the Android/iPhone app. The purpose of this application is monitoring of the production of power output by the consumers (Legion Solar Starter Kit, 2015). Activity proposed Person Responsible October Preparation of promotional materials for the Legion Solar System. General Manager Sales Manager Persuading the project backers General Manager Updating of the project details on the company website and other digital media channels. Advertisement of the product. Office Manager Sales Manager Invitations to industry specialists, suppliers and key stakeholders for inviting them to the product launch. Office Manager Sales Manager Official launch of the Legion Solar System on 24th October 2016. All Staff Sales calls. Meeting with the local families and industries representatives Sales Manager November Start of the social media campaigns to target the identified customer segments. Sales Manager Office Manager Connecting with the customers online and providing information and support. Sales Manager Office Manager Connecting with the big industries, which can use the Legion Solar panels. General Manager Sales Manager December Develop relationships by calling and meeting with clients. Sales Manager Devising specific plans and schemes for the target customers. Special corporate offers for the bulk purchases could be strategized. General Manager January Follow-up of the leads of potential customers must be done effectively to convert them to maximum purchases. Sales Manager February Supply and after sales management must be emphasized to sustain growth in the sales. Product Manager, CRM Manager March Re-look at pricing strategy. Potential price increase for 2017. General Manager References Blythe, J. and Megicks, P. (2010) Marketing planning: Strategy, environment and context. Harlow, England: Financial Times / Prentice Hall. Hollensen, S. (2010) Marketing management: A relationship approach. 2nd edn. New York, NY: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Legion Solar Starter Kit (2015) Legion DIY solar. Available at: (Accessed: 30 September 2016). PLX Devices (2015) About us. Available at: (Accessed: 30 September 2016).